Monday, February 23, 2009

Worst day ever.

So yesterday, I woke up with a need to vomit.

I immediately went into the bathroom and started puking. The moment my face went into the toilet bowl, i knew it was going to be a great day...

So, I get up and realize that I don't have time to shower and that I need to just go to work. I get clothes off like my floor and head to work.

Work went well for the most part until i went on break. I ordered a salad, and sat down at the break table, i took two bites and my phone vibrated.

I open it up, it's my friend Maria from high school. She wrote "Dawson passed away today"

My heart dropped. Dawson... David Dawson, was a really close friend of everyone in my high school. I had a lot of really good times with this kid.

This is so hard for me to believe. The fact that im writing this right now is surreal to me because he was not supposed to die. When he walked into a room his presance was known. He was one of the nicest people i've ever known and he had a smile that was contagious.

I'm not gonna lie as im writing this i'm bawling my eyes out. I can barely see what im typing naymore.

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RIP David Daniel Dawson - I'm going to miss you so much.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Baby on board...

So, lately i've been looking up a lot of acapella and barbershop quartet style stuff on youtube and finding some seriously cool shit.

like this for example:

The song i've actually heard before because it was from a simpsons episode and it was really good actually.

the original:

i love itt. haha

But yeah, i've found that with youtube i'll find one thing to look up and then i'll just keep looking it up and searching for more and more. my favorites are all sorts of crazy.

This is just plain amazing:

Everything these guys do has impressed me, i have them saved a lot under my favorites.

So what started this little barbershop quartet obsession ive been hit with as of late?

Randomly enough, not a barbershop quartet, but these three fantastic ladies:

I heard it, i liked it.
Then i just looked up anything related to stand by me and bam! Barbershop quartets.

alright it's time.

Random Youtube Video of the moment!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Thought I forgot about ya, huh?

Nope I didn't forget.
I'm just lazy haha

So lately I've been pretty sick. I have a pretty bad sinus infection... It caused like rashes all over my face it was pretty gross. haha


This is random and funny:

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
Cyanide & Happiness @

So, since I've been sick all I've been doing is watching Comedy Central and all they have been playing is "Comedy Central Presents..."

This guy was pretty good on Comedy Central... Not as good on this video, but still I think he's got some good jokes...
Dan Levy

Anyways, I don't really know what else to talk about...

I've also been watching a hell of a lot of youtube.
That's nothing new...
I've always loved youtube. I can spend hours watching random videos... especially Margaret Cho...

So, I made a youtube video about a month ago...
The funny thing is that when I went to upload it, it was taking forever so I just quit...

Turns out the video got uploaded.
It's pretty funny though, I think...

"This is Emo"

Alright, I'm done.

Youtube video of the moment!
So anyway.